Dear young people of the Archdiocese,

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Coronavirus made us put some of our activities of this year on hold. Since all the parishes in the Archdiocese are back to operation with Masses, I encourage young people to please go back to church and join other faithful in prayer by attending Masses and participating actively in other liturgical celebrations.

Since we cannot come together in large group, I encourage the youth of various parishes to start meeting to share the scriptures and the new encyclical letter of Pope Francis ‘Fratelli Tutti‘ (All brothers)  as groups and as individuals while we still observe physical distancing and all the necessary precautions of reducing the spread of Covid-19.
Reflect on each chapter and share your thoughts on it in writing not more than a page or a video clip of not more than 3 minutes with the Youth Department on

I encourage parents to go with their children as they go for Masses and other liturgical celebrations. If schools, malls and places of relaxation are been visited and deemed safe for the young people, I strongly belief the church is safer for them since every parish is required to observe strictly the Covid-19 regulations. And many parishes are doing their best in this regard.

This is a time to bond with fellow youth in the parish more than ever before.