by Ihuoma Enwere
At a young age, Mary was able to understand something that many of us
have not understood: that we are created to do God’s Will. That is why she
accepted the Angel Gabriel’s message and rose up with haste. But what is
God’s will in our lives? What is the purpose of our earthly existence?
In the book of Ephesians 2:10 it says, “God has made us what we are, and
in our union with Christ Jesus he has created us for a life of good deeds,
which he has already prepared for us to do.”
There are 3 things to highlight:
Firstly, “God has made us what we are.” God has created us for His own
pleasure because He saw it fit to have us on earth. God created Mary for
the purpose to bring His only Begotten Son into this world and to lead us,
her children, to Christ her Son.
Secondly, we are created “for a life of good deeds.” Even though there may
not be a detailed account of Mary’s life, one thing is certain – that she had
done a whole lot of good deeds. We too are called to do good deeds, such
as the Corporal Works of Mercy, within our own capacity.
Finally, “which he already prepared for us to do.” Before going to battle, you
need to be trained. God had already prepared Mary emotionally, mentally
and physically to take on the greatest role ever to be the vessel that carried
our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
God had prepared Mary through her prayer life. Through our prayer lives
we form a close relationship with God. If Mary was not close to God she
would not have been able to accept the role of being Jesus’ mother. Mary
is an indicator that we need to draw ourselves closer to God through prayer
in order to know and do His Will here on earth.
Just as Mary did, let us rise up to do God’s will with haste. An obedient soul
is pleasing to Him.