The GIVE campaign is an exciting, hands-on mission composed of twelve monthly themes, which will allow the youth of every parish to explore our call to give in various ways and on various levels. These themes were carefully discerned and placed to be of significance to the given time of the year, to our Catholic faith and the greater mission of the Church.
The Youth Department has prepared “GIVE Cards” to serve as a guide on ways to approach each monthly theme. These contain Church teachings, quotes and Scriptures to provide depth, to inspire and to encourage some pastoral reflection. It also includes a variety of practical tips.
We invite the youth to expand their mission by using social media to promote this exciting venture and create hype with our GIVE #tags (see below).
If you can’t say it, wear it! To unite us and add some colour to our mission, we have designed GIVE t-shirts which can be ordered here.
We pray and hope that God will work great things through our youth and draw them evermore closer to His heart and mission of mercy. We wish your own parish a blessed GIVE journey!
Let’s do this! To God be the glory!
#GIVE #JhbADYouth